Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
I mean….
if i don't know what to do with my life.
then I can never find a boo, nor wife.
but I drown it with this brew that's on ice
sometimes it turns to ash when i grab a light.
She is my sanity my peace of mind
But with every ill-move I make I lose a piece of my,
Soul, My blood is warm, sometimes the heart feels so cold,
But I am just a man hoping for the privilege of dying old
and praying that when I die…I am not alone...
then I can never find a boo, nor wife.
but I drown it with this brew that's on ice
sometimes it turns to ash when i grab a light.
She is my sanity my peace of mind
But with every ill-move I make I lose a piece of my,
Soul, My blood is warm, sometimes the heart feels so cold,
But I am just a man hoping for the privilege of dying old
and praying that when I die…I am not alone...
Monday, July 11, 2011
Love > Hate
I will mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do
Martin Luther King Jr
-This quote reminded me of how people were celebrating when Osama Bin Laden was murdered-
Martin Luther King Jr
-This quote reminded me of how people were celebrating when Osama Bin Laden was murdered-
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Student Loans, Students Owned....
They are kicking in doors for student loans, regardless of the fact that they defaulted on the loans, he was arrested and detained for over six hours...I know waaaaayyy too many people who have students loans that are out of this world there are all sorts of articles circulating the web about the costs of college. Our society has greated a great new way to keep people in debt to the government...STUDENT LOANS if we are the future, we are the future that owes hundreds of thousands of dollars for education...this is too much...
Monday, June 6, 2011
Own The Moment

If there is one thing that I have learned is that life only presents you with certain moments, certain chances to act or remain still. The cliche is that life is short, this is true, life does and can pass by in a flash and you will be left wondering how things could, would, and should, have gone had you decided to act, had you Owned the Moment that life present. Another lessons is that you cannot recreate the moment once it has past, once the door shuts a window will not open for you to still enter the house of opportunity you will forever miss out. Everyday you are placed at a crossroad where you can continue to walk on the path you have been or you can choose to change directions but you have to choose you have to seize the day, you have to Own the Moment or you will always wonder...
School House Lock

There was a point in time in history where people were overwhelmed with debt, they owed the banks for their houses, cars, and even their healthcare. Today I see a similar version of mass debt dealing with the college tution. College tution is being increased while government and state funding for these schools have decreased causing people to ultimately have to take out a loan to pay for their "education." Our society and our government has stressed the importance of education, more specifically the importance of college education in a fast changing more COMPETITIVE world. But how important is education when a student must drop out of school, or cannot register for classes because they owe the school money??? The underlying meaning of this is money is more important than education, the money that you pay in order to get into school and the money that you owe after you graduate. The dollar has greater value than your mind. After you have worked hard in school, you are then forced to work harder to pay for it, it is a continuous endless cycle similar to our justice system but instead of prision they put you in a university.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Just a Question
Ok Ok Ok...Astrology was one of the earliest forms of religion because it focused on worshipping the Sun and how the constellations move and shift and are displayed based upon the position of the Sun. Cool Fine I get all that...I was just thinking isn't it interesting how Jesus, is referred to as the Son (same pronunciation just different spelling)There are 12 astrological signs...and there are 12 Apostles...Does anyone else see ANYTHING there or am I just over thinking?
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
When The System Fails

In case you have not already noticed, our system, our way of living is not producing the things that it said it would produce. College graduates are applying for the same jobs that people without high school diplomas are applying for. I have a friend who graduated with his degree in Art and Theater, he works at Ruby Tuesdays...with the increases in tuition and rising debt left and right, college graduates are not becoming an asset to society but they are adding to the number of growing unemployment. The degrees with the highest chances of getting hired include business,engineering,medical professions, and mass communications. But where does that leave people who studied theater, or art history, how about the social sciences such as anthropology or sociology. Read a report that 1 in every 4 college students that graduate do not get a job within their field of study, all those countless hours writing research papers amount to nothing outside the comforts of your university. Of course you can always learn life lessons from your experiences but those lessons will not get you out of your debt from student loans. Our system is crashing we were feed a belief that going to college meant gaining independence, starting your career. How many college graduates live with their parents not because of choice or convenience, but out of necessity to make sure they can survive the "American Dream"
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Benton Harbor
This is something that we have got to be apart of…they are changing our country right before our eyes…we are having no say in how they are shaping OUR country…We work, we pay taxes, we die for this country…and the people in office are making the decisions…They say the pen is mightier than the sword, that is because the person with the sword died for the country, the man with the pen was in his office when the war happened…
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Just a Random Post….

I was just outside people watching enjoying the beautiful day and beautiful women, when I decided to start writing just to see how things would turn out. What I decided to write about was people, more specifically the importance of interaction and conversation. I was thinking that more and more things have made it easier to not talk to people. For instance texting as opposed to calling people, but this is not a repeat of what was said before. I realized the number of things I have truly learned about people and from people just be listening to what they had to say, they talk about their life, their interpretations of the events in their life. As I continue to talk with people I have noticed that in most situations you are both a teacher and a student you can enhance your life in every way by just conversing with someone. If the eyes are the windows to the soul than the voice is the expression of the soul. Give conversation a try start a conversation with a random person, you never know there could be a friend inside that stranger. But like I said I just started writing to see how this would turn out…I hope you enjoyed it...
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Life's Purpose

I have been doing a lot of thinking as of lately trying to figure out what is the purpose of life? The physical earthly purpose of life not the spiritual religious aspects. When I look at the world that I inherited, that I was born into, our world worships the material, we as people hold a belief of life that the only things that matter are thing things that we can touch and grasp for example, money, stocks, wealth. These things create desire, they create restraints and worse of all they create casualties. I have realized that I am not excited to enter into the "real world" because it is horribly backwards and misguided. You work hard in school, some for 20 years including elementary school, just to finally reach the goal of a career? But what is a job exactly you are no longer exchanging your hours for assignments and knowledge now your time is transformed into funds/dollars. You are working making your money but if you are a member of the inherited society you must now pay for cable, electricity, internet, cell phone, God forbid you have college loans to pay off or a car, an apartment or house. So once again you are placed in a endless cycle, I don't understand the purpose I don't understand the deeper meaning….I don't understand the physical earthly purpose of life.
This was just me venting trying to get something off my mind...
Friday, February 18, 2011

We as African Americans should be ashamed that our own praise of athletes over scholars and rappers over activist has lead outsider observers of our culture label the NBA ALL-STAR WEEKEND as BLACK THANKSGIVING. The Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964 THAT WASN'T even 50 years ago and we still do not know our history. WAKE UP
The first one is CNN's Homepage the second is the actual article
Friday, February 4, 2011
No Name

I was just sitting here and starting writing man it is black history month I am trying to figure out how many people really know their history. I guess I just wanted to blog about something I believe. In life we only see extensions of yourselves, our arms, our legs. We cannot see our back our even our face. The saying goes that the eyes are the window to the soul, we can't even see our own soul but everywhere you look you see the soul of others. You see other people in full you can see every part of every other person that is before us. You can see ever person on TV in magazines even the man on the corner, but you can't see yourself in full. I believe that it is a reminder from life the importance of other people, it is a natural reminder to be selfless. Because if you look at things on the surface those people are greater than you, not greater in belief or greater in worth but when ever you look at a person their being is greater than your being. I look around where I am now all I see is pieces of me but I see the whole of every woman and man around me.
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