During the civil rights acts, laws were passed that stated that segregation was illegal, and forced integration in society. But as I look around my campus now, and reflect on how my high school was I do not believe that we as a society are integrated but,we are more de-segrated. Integration to me means interdependence, interconnection, and interaction between people of all races. I say that we are de-segrated because we interact with one another but in most cases that is were it ends. All students seem to drift toward the same clique or group of students that are similar to them. That is understandable, tracing actions back to primitive times, we as humans are more comfortable with things that are familiar. But what makes us all familiar is that we are all human beings we all have feelings, we bleed red, and we all have the capacity to love beyond a level or superficiality. I hope that we as a campus can become closer together and actually make good use of the diversity at hand.
"Can't we ALL just get along?"
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