I am over it…its not attractive and I do not like rubbing my hands through your hair only to feel the track, its like a knot of "hair." If you only have two inches of hair, hey that is cool sport it, through some designs in it, go get a shape up, do something. But I do not know when it became ok for girls to put in weaves, be proud of your bush its yours. Thats like if a guy was walking around with an athletic cup in his pants, only to reveal that it is toddler size. I just don't get it, I find it to be a turn off drastically. I do not know what aspect of society made you feel like your hair is not good enough but its pointless to but yarn and horse hair in your hair. I am not shooting personal shots it is only a general statement, I feel like girls put weaves in because they are not happy with their hair. How? How have you come to a point where you do not find everything about yourself beautiful? If you want long hair, grow it out, take care of it. If I wanted dreads I would not grow a bush and then throw some extensions in it because really, I don't have dreads I have a bush with yarn attached to it. And sadly babe you don't have long hair, you have your hair with someone or something else's hair sown in. Love your bush and your short hair it is ok that your air is not down your back its still beautiful.
As women, we value the opinion of men. They are the ones whose attention we want. There are plenty of males who have let it be known that short hair isn’t attractive or that they wouldn’t date someone with a certain grade of hair… So in order to please those men and feel “wanted” by them, we alter our looks accordingly, so if that means adding a few pieces of human hair to our scalp, then so be it. Ultimately, we want them to want and desire us. It’s sad because you wonder why women don’t have enough confidence, self-esteem or even self-worth to consider themselves beautiful with what they have and not conform to the wants of others. Women need to embrace what they do have, but I think a lot of it comes from the medias portrayal of African American women, along with the opinions of men..W hen did women start losing confidence in their appearance or when did they value a man’s opinion so much to the point where they feel like changing their own features to please them?
ReplyDeleteIt does have a lot to do with the media's portrayals not just of African Americans women but of women in general…I would hope that the things a person does they do it for themselves I would hope that people do not feel pressured to alternate their looks. I am not sure when women started losing confidence but I feel like the first step to regaining self confidence is to find validation within yourself.
ReplyDeleteI agree completely with the person above(or below, im not sure of the order this will post. ha)
ReplyDeleteI think there a few factors that come into play with this topic. 1, to piggyback off of the aforementioned, a large majority of women's "cues" for physical appearance comes from our male counterpats...whether it be through conversations, tweets, comments, or observed behaviors. when a guy says on twitter "short hair(or natural hair or the amber rose cut) isnt for everybody" when we see & hear guys make comments about how attractive celebs such as beyonce, gabrielle union, alicia keys, etc (who all wear weave or have long hair)that sends a message to female about how we should look to be attractive to you. I personally think yall(guys) contradict yourselves constantly about the whole weave thing. Anyways, Im not saying that we women say "oh he likes Christina Milian let me go try and look like her" ..of course that is not how it works but there is definitely a huge male influence in female's mental schema for beauty standards. You all set the stage in a way. The 2nd point relates, the media also sets the stage. It creates the ideal image, whether you want to admit i or not, no one is free from the influence of media. There are some people who probably arent as affected or who would take Lauryn Hill over Alicia Keys but I'd argue thats because that person is conscious and appreciates other forms of beauty besides mainstream....the average person is not as conscious, unfortunately.
Lastly, hair is somewhat of an accessory..used for expression for some. A woman's only goal isnt to be attractive enough for a man to want her(on the fence about this)...so if she wants to wear weave, for her, because she likes it, so what if you dont. Not all women soley consider their personal satisfaction when choosing hairstyles/clothing/outward expression.
whew. aiight im done.
sn: you cannot compare this to the penis/jock strap thing..apples and oranges Dre
please excuse my typos!
ReplyDeletehaha apples and oranges you are right there is a difference but there are similarities as well…and the media and male standards influence a woman's appearance. I would say that my point is to make sure that the women do to themselves are for themselves and not to win the approval or desire of others
ReplyDeletei agree
ReplyDeletebut, easier said than done