During the semester I met a girl in a class we had together, she seemed cool enough so we exchanged numbers and began to text. Her texting personality was witty full of energy and seemingly very intelligent. So me doing what seemed to be the logical next step I asked her if she wanted to go get something to eat so we could get to know each other better. I don't know if I was texting a different girl or if she was nervous or whatever but their were enough awkward silences to last a life time. I do understand that she might've been nervous or maybe just was not feeling my conversation but I feel like the girl I was texting was different then the girl I was sitting across from. My problem with texting is that it has replaced the art of conversation, I do appreciate the ability to quickly send messages, but it has replaced the emotions and connections that are present in everyday conversation. I can recall a few times where I actually got into a text message argument I don't think I have ever come across something as childish as that, 4 page messages and then "u tlk lyke u aint ben n skool" with different "text talk" characters. I have always said that anything of importance should be talked and not texted, if you can't do it in person then you should at least call the person. And try to call people on their birthdays and not just send them a text message, they get those from everyone else don't just become another well-wisher, take 20 seconds and call I promise it will be greatly appreciated.
-My Little Rant About Texting-
and the saltiness occurs:
ReplyDeleteI didn't know phone calls
were appreciated that
well from you, son.
but, okay.
i'm glad you've finally
gotten a chance
to understand the facades
that people are able to
create with texting..
true stuff andre.. but you sent me a text message instead of a phone call :'(