I just wanted to draw the attention on how complex and different life has become. I was having a conversation with a friend of mine the other day and she mentioned that she can't trust anyone, especially men. Well the man part is a different conversation in itself but I wanted to talk about the trust factor. I think we as people have it backwards we trust everything but people. We trust that when we get in our car it will start, we trust that when we drink water its not vodka. We trust that our lights will come on when we flick the switch, We even trust that when you walk out in a street full of cars that they will obey traffic laws and yield to pedestrians. All of these things were created by man (people) and yet we put our trust in the creation and not the creator. We as people find it hard or even impossible to trust in other people and it is partially because we do not full trust ourselves, our abilities, and our gifts, our flaws, our decisions, and our purpose. We do not fully trust ourselves and that is the first step to trusting other people. I trust that if I post this people will read this, but I find it hard to trust people with who I truly am. I find that to be very interesting and very backwards because if you cannot trust you cannot love and if you do not love you do not live.
"We do not fully trust ourselves and that is the first step to trusting other people."
ReplyDeleteI see you speaking up for the world.
we dont trust people because people do things to make them not be trusted. everytime i open a bottle of water its actually water but if it was vodka then i would start to question the rest of the bottles...trusting people leaves you vulnerable and we never want to be vulnerable..
ReplyDeletehmmm...I think its faith...but i guess its kinda the same thing..nah imma say faith
ReplyDeleteFaith(trust) is knowing without knowing. Im no longer a religious person but if you relate it to peoples faith(or lack of..thats another topic) in their God(s), its allegedly a certainty you just have, you just know...even though you've never seen God, per say
On the flip side, I like to think faith comes from experience..trial and error. Yes, we have faith or trust in things or situations because we've experienced them before. We turn on the water everyday multiple times a day, probably the same with crossing the street...which allows us to trust that it will turn on & that we wont get hit by the car. Lets say a teenager for example, lives w/ his mom who is struggling and often doesnt pay the water bill(you following me?) has had experience going to turn on the faucet to find the water is not on..his trust in being able to turn on the faucet and water coming out will probably diminish because of his experiences. A person who has been hit by a car before probably has a different faith or trust when crossing the street than myself. We can trust in things and situations because our experiences afford it. People, on the other hand usually arent that consistent. Experience is still at play though because your friend probably does not trust people because of her experiences with trust directly or indirectly.
True trust can be based on experience. Now although you can experience something everyday experience will tell you that nothing stays the same.
ReplyDeletewell, not everyone's experiences will thell him/her that.
ReplyDeletethe same experience can allow you to get comfortable and have "trust" in something
dont fight me on this, i won. lol jk