Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Felt Like Writing
I just felt like writing, I realized when I began this post I had nothing to really talk about, not much to really say. Umm Life is full of curveballs, as of recent I have tried to step up and swing. Not every swing is a homerun, or even a hit for that matter. I have noticed something about myself at one moment I could feel one way and in the next I can completely change my emotional state. I have got to figure that out, changing emotional states like that has gotten me into some shenanigans. I try to always follow my heart as corny as that may sound, I try to always do what I consider to be right. Some people have been a casualty of my curiosity. I have begun to turn life into a game, feeling less and less afraid of the consequences that could result from doing the unexpected. My mom once said to me when you enter a room do you take up space or do you fill the room. I have this new found desire to affect those I come into contact with, like Ghandi, or King be an advocate for peace and love. Not materialism and greed. I am a Gemini and rumor has it that we have dual personalities. I am not Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde but I have lived on both sides of the fence. Not sure if you will follow but like I said I just felt like writing
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I am over it…its not attractive and I do not like rubbing my hands through your hair only to feel the track, its like a knot of "hair." If you only have two inches of hair, hey that is cool sport it, through some designs in it, go get a shape up, do something. But I do not know when it became ok for girls to put in weaves, be proud of your bush its yours. Thats like if a guy was walking around with an athletic cup in his pants, only to reveal that it is toddler size. I just don't get it, I find it to be a turn off drastically. I do not know what aspect of society made you feel like your hair is not good enough but its pointless to but yarn and horse hair in your hair. I am not shooting personal shots it is only a general statement, I feel like girls put weaves in because they are not happy with their hair. How? How have you come to a point where you do not find everything about yourself beautiful? If you want long hair, grow it out, take care of it. If I wanted dreads I would not grow a bush and then throw some extensions in it because really, I don't have dreads I have a bush with yarn attached to it. And sadly babe you don't have long hair, you have your hair with someone or something else's hair sown in. Love your bush and your short hair it is ok that your air is not down your back its still beautiful.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Dick Gregory

The other day VCU was blessed with a real treat, we had a living civil rights activist speak at our school. He was great charismatic, captivating, and politically aware. He used his satirical skills to make light out of important political situations, more specifically situations that affect African Americans. He mentioned a few things that blew my mind, like for instance how the bass coming from a song is similar to a heartbeat. Did you know that a fetus, if feeling sick, can listen to its mother's heart beat and regain some health. Neither did I.
Another thing that Dick Gregory said that was crucial was the "unlucky" number 13, it is almost national recognized as an unlucky number. But nowhere else in the world is it unlucky thats because in the United States 13 is the amendment number that freed the slaves "emancipation." Keep that in mind the next time you go to a hotel without a 13th floor.
Finally I am sure people have heard rumors about George Washington not being the first president, well according to Dick Gregory and a few sites I looked up myself, it is true George Washington was NOT the first president he was actually the 8th and he was proceeded by 7 BLACK men. The first president was actually John Hanson of the Moor society. The society's flag was a cherry tree and one of George Washington's biggest stories is how he "cut down the Cherry Tree"
"The pen is mightier than the sword"
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
The Lack of Appreciation

One day in Italy I walked out of my class to use the bathroom. While in the bathroom I realized how many things I take for granted everyday I mean I went to the sink and trusted that it would turn on. I realized, before that moment I had never taken the time to ask myself what would I do if the water did not work, or if I had to go outside and use the bushes as opposed to the toilet. I realized how many things in everyday life we as people do not take the time to appreciate so much is taken for granted everyday. Here we are heading into the fall, how many people have noticed the leaves changing?
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
An Unexpected Day in Italy
On a random satruday in Italy we decided to go and check out a vineyard but we had no idea that our director had a special plan for us. We traveled to the top of Mt. Subasio which is one of the tallest mountains in the region and from their we were able to see the entire landscape of Umbria. There was a storm moving in over the mountain so we were able to see different patches of rain clouds castings shadows across other mountains and we even received and occasional shade ourselves. Travel down from the mountain about 1400 meters we headed to the Caprai Vineyard were we were given a tour of the vineyard, taught how to last and appreciate wine, and given the history of the vineyard which was a treat in itself. Finally we headed to a small mountain town known as MonteFalco which is said to have about 200 inhabitants. We were lucky enough to travel there during their Jazz concert it was a true treat if I do say so myself. These pictures are a small taste of what we experienced on the unexpected but unforgettable day.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Palio Di Siena
The Second Day of Italy we took a trip to Siena to see their annual horse race. To your everyday American you hear horse race and you think just that, no not at all. In Siena each section is separated into 23 (cantrada) each cantrada has their own flag and filled with vibrant colors and a symbol representing that is used to represent their specific historic connection. I bought a La Lupa (lady wolf) flag its black and white to represent the colors of Siena and it has a female wolf in the center nursing two children Romulus and Remus. One founded Rome and the other's children founded Siena. But that is a different story, the horse race is unlike anything I was prepared for, inside of each cantrada they have a church where they bless the horse before the race. I hear it normally goes pretty well but in this case it did not work out that well, after they bless the horse a precession begins from the Duomo Di Siena all the way to the square it actually takes about 3-5 hours for the whole parade to actually finish, it is beautiful. Flag wavers, parade horse, floats, it was unbelievable. The greatest thing about the horse race is the belief and tradition, not only are the horse viewed as family members but whatever cantrada wins is said to have good fortune for the rest of the year until the next Palio. I was really without words.
The photos are a picture of the cantrada flag, a chandelier made in the shape of a cantrada symbol (the wave) the square where they raced when it was empty and when it filled up and a photo of one of the carriages.
As I Travel From...
Whooaaaa I made it to italy it it absolutely gorgeous I am without words, so truly blessed to be here. But it did take forever to actually get here, 8 hour plane ride, 45 minute cab ride, 1 hour bus ride, 2 hour train ride, switch trains and then a final 45 minute train ride. But it was all worth it though, The beautiful historic ruins of rome, to the rolling hills of Perugia Italy did not disappoint. Enjoy these photos as I attempt to capture, with my camera, the wonders my eyes have seen.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Oil Oil Oil

This Oil spill has reached a level above critical, oil rains in New Orleans oil waves in Alabama. Dear God, I don't know about everyone else but I have officially become worried. The judge that ruled against Obama's planned to halt oil drilling for 6 months, has investments in the oil and gas industry. Are you serious dude, your more concerned about your money then the state of the world, you ass, if the world is destroyed YOU HAVE NO MORE MONEY. A man once said "greed will imprison us all" We need a solution wildlife is dying off, 2 people have been killed it will only get worse.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I just wanted to draw the attention on how complex and different life has become. I was having a conversation with a friend of mine the other day and she mentioned that she can't trust anyone, especially men. Well the man part is a different conversation in itself but I wanted to talk about the trust factor. I think we as people have it backwards we trust everything but people. We trust that when we get in our car it will start, we trust that when we drink water its not vodka. We trust that our lights will come on when we flick the switch, We even trust that when you walk out in a street full of cars that they will obey traffic laws and yield to pedestrians. All of these things were created by man (people) and yet we put our trust in the creation and not the creator. We as people find it hard or even impossible to trust in other people and it is partially because we do not full trust ourselves, our abilities, and our gifts, our flaws, our decisions, and our purpose. We do not fully trust ourselves and that is the first step to trusting other people. I trust that if I post this people will read this, but I find it hard to trust people with who I truly am. I find that to be very interesting and very backwards because if you cannot trust you cannot love and if you do not love you do not live.
Texting Rant

During the semester I met a girl in a class we had together, she seemed cool enough so we exchanged numbers and began to text. Her texting personality was witty full of energy and seemingly very intelligent. So me doing what seemed to be the logical next step I asked her if she wanted to go get something to eat so we could get to know each other better. I don't know if I was texting a different girl or if she was nervous or whatever but their were enough awkward silences to last a life time. I do understand that she might've been nervous or maybe just was not feeling my conversation but I feel like the girl I was texting was different then the girl I was sitting across from. My problem with texting is that it has replaced the art of conversation, I do appreciate the ability to quickly send messages, but it has replaced the emotions and connections that are present in everyday conversation. I can recall a few times where I actually got into a text message argument I don't think I have ever come across something as childish as that, 4 page messages and then "u tlk lyke u aint ben n skool" with different "text talk" characters. I have always said that anything of importance should be talked and not texted, if you can't do it in person then you should at least call the person. And try to call people on their birthdays and not just send them a text message, they get those from everyone else don't just become another well-wisher, take 20 seconds and call I promise it will be greatly appreciated.
-My Little Rant About Texting-
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
The Importance of History
I just wanted to take this time to stress the important of history not just black and African history but history in general. It is a cliche but it is very true that if you do no know where you've been you will not know where you are going. Without history we lose culture, we lose direction we even lose our civility. When a people is without history they are forced to use everything that is around them to develop an identity, now if what surrounds you is death, destruction, anger, violence, then out of that you will develop an identity that embodies all of those sub-human qualities. As African Americans we have lost our history and it has been replaced with a negative image of self, we lack a love for self and because of that we are self destructive not only personally but to our fellow African Americans.For Example we have popularized and internalized the word NIGGER oh yes people say we have jazzed it up and replaced the ER with an A but we (and I say we because I include myself) use that word to describe our loved ones, our peers, and ourselves. Which is a way of labeling every African American we encounter as ignorant no longer viewing oursevles as a respectable people. If we don't respect us do you think anyone else will.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Lessons Learned

Every situation is lesson learned not a burden earned. The trials and tribulations that endure, are not presented to us to bring us down and to break us. Every good & bad relationship is placed in front of us to help us develop all the proper skills used in marriage but if you choose not to learn the lesson your on your way to another "bad" relationship. One of the hardest things to do in a situation is to step outside of it and recognize what you might've done wrong. Once you realize what you did wrong the first and hardest step is to forgive yourself. In this book I am reading entitled The Shack they talk about the importance of relationships and how even though our greatest hurt may come from does our greates happiness. You cannot be estranged and afraid to love whether it is friends family or your significant other, a life without love is a life without life.
Challenge What Controls You

Something that I find myself doing now more and more is challenging myself, whether it be mentally or physically. I like to push myself and step outside of things that I feel comfortable doing. I call that RAGE (Rage Against The Establishment). I recently found out a friend of mine is afraid of the dark, I told her to be careful in telling me that because I am looking for the first oppurtunity to make her challenge her fear and realize that it does not control her. Martin Luther King Jr. once said "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." Do not be afraid to challenge yourself and also you can not be afraid of failing failure is simply an oppurtunity to gain better knowledge before trying again.
This is a poem I recieved that talks about challenging yourself and your abilities:
The Comfort Zone Poem (author unknown)
I used to have a comfort zone
where I knew I couldn't fail,
The same four walls of busy work
were really more like a jail
I longed so much to do the things
I'd never done before,
But I stayed inside my comfort zone
and paced the same old floor
I said it didn't matter
that I wasn't doing much,
I said I didn't care for things
like diamonds or furs and such
I claimed to be so busy
with the things inside my zone,
But deep inside I longed for
something special of my own
I couldn't let my life go by
just watching others win,
I held my breath and stepped outside
to let the change begin
I took a step and with new strength
I'd never felt before,
I kissed my comfort zone good bye
and closed and locked the door
If you are in a comfort zone
afraid to venture out,
Remember that all winners
were at one time filled with doubt
A step or two and words of praise
can make your dreams come true
Greet your future with a smile,
success is there for you!
Friday, April 30, 2010
We are all here for a purpose, sometimes objects presented to us in life distract us from our path and that is ok because we are all human, we have to be able to forgive ourselves and regain our footing on our path.We have to remember to help, love, and appreciate every person that we encounter even if they do not show the same in return. We are but people but it is our similarities that bond us, we cannot let our differences separate us.
This is a poem that moved me:
Monday, April 19, 2010
Integrated or Desegregated?

During the civil rights acts, laws were passed that stated that segregation was illegal, and forced integration in society. But as I look around my campus now, and reflect on how my high school was I do not believe that we as a society are integrated but,we are more de-segrated. Integration to me means interdependence, interconnection, and interaction between people of all races. I say that we are de-segrated because we interact with one another but in most cases that is were it ends. All students seem to drift toward the same clique or group of students that are similar to them. That is understandable, tracing actions back to primitive times, we as humans are more comfortable with things that are familiar. But what makes us all familiar is that we are all human beings we all have feelings, we bleed red, and we all have the capacity to love beyond a level or superficiality. I hope that we as a campus can become closer together and actually make good use of the diversity at hand.
"Can't we ALL just get along?"
Sunday, April 11, 2010
It Moved Me
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Life n Times of N.A.B.

The man upstairs...
Recently I had a decision to make, a decision that had me wrestling with my thoughts, poking and prodding at my mind for answers. I was recently put into a position to make a big decision in a family member's life, out of respect I won't say who...When asked to make a decision,there I was without answer, stuck, without a clue or starting place. I searched my mind looking for friends to call, I asked advice of my closets friends, I even called an ex mine lol. I name all these options to point to my final but most important decision, and that was to take it to the Man Upstairs, I trusted him and asked him, and sat back and I watched the solution unravel itself before me.
Passion-fill Post
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
The Entire Senior Class

did you read the reports? No...thats because it is considered too positive. The entire senior class at Chicago 's only public all-male, all-African-American high school has been accepted to four-year colleges. At last count, the 107 seniors had earned spots at 72 schools across the nation.
-Our nation can report on everything else, but let a group of African American students do something positive and it is no where to be found-
Side note this picture was taken March 5, 2010 more than 1 month ago
Monday, April 5, 2010
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Does Science Go Too Far?
In this report scientists successfully taught a gorilla the concept of death. The gorilla understood that he would eventually die and it impacted his life dramatically. I feel that our curiosity as humans can be both beneficial and in some cases daring and cruel. View the video and voice your opinion about it, the video comes from an opinion based website so some of the commentary is not reliable but the gist of the story is still present.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Take a Breath?

Remember "We Think Flying Sparks Will Grow Into Long-Lasting Love" "Sparks can only ignite what has been stored and accumulated, Sparks cannot accumulate themselves."
African or Not?

So I attended a forum today talking about Africans and African-Americans and it was stated that African Americans who refer to themselves as black are denying their African heritage/roots. I feel that the only to expand and strengthen ourselves as a black community we all need to have one universal identity. We as black people need to recognize not deny our black roots, along with the entire diaspora of people with African roots. Every black people from the Caribbean, the US, North, West, East, & South Africa, and our African Latinos need to unify in identity and only from their can we begin to expand as a people. What do you refer to yourself as and why?
P.S. African American on my Census not NEGRO!!!
Enjoy the Ride 3/29/2010
Today is my first day blogging, my first entry, my first attempt at this. The purpose of my blog is to just expand in every way, knowledge, networking, etc. I also hope to voice my opinion on life, perhaps give advice, and analyze the why. I am very hopefully that my blog will become stronger develop a good following and perhaps even help people. Please feel free to leave any comments, helpful tips, criticism both good and bad, anything constructive please. I hope you enjoy this blog and my attempt to take you through the journey and life of N.A.B.
-Enjoy the Ride-
P.S. I am constructing my blog during the middle of my 3 hour class
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